About Me

Hi, I’m Treasa Stewart -a girl in my late 20’s who works a full time job, helps out with a family bakery, spends quality time with my husband and family, strives to fulfill my church calling, and tries to find time for my other hobbies as well.  If you’d like to get to know me, please keep on reading and I’ll share with you the things that are most important to me (in no particular order).

Family is very important to me.  I am married to a wonderful man named Devan.  We have been married for just over 5 years now.  He is a massage therapist (love!) and is in the Army National Guard.  We both have rather large families -he has 8 siblings and I have 7 and we have 16 nieces and nephews.  We would love to have our own kids but it just hasn’t happened yet.  We are on a journey to make it happen -hopefully sooner rather than later.  I’ve always wanted a large family but I don’t know that I’d have the energy to have 6-8 kids if I start too late.

My faith is also very important to me.  I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I was married for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple in April 2007.  I also served an 18 month mission for my church in Fukuoka, Japan.  My faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement have helped me through so many things in my life.  I am so grateful for the knowledge that I have that my Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ love me and are always there for me.  I’m grateful for Thomas S. Monson -our living prophet who receives revelation for us today -and for the Holy Bible and Book of Mormon.  Life is hard enough with all the help I have -I can’t imagine what life would be like without the guidance of the prophet and the holy scriptures.

My health has become very important to me, but only recently.  This is a photo of Devan and I after hiking Ensign Peak in Utah.  I was in good shape after my mission (I rode a bike every day and ate a lot of rice and fish in Japan) and we regularly did active things together.  But over the years that kind of stopped.  I gained about 50 pounds in 3 years and for the past 2 years I’ve been back and forth.  Only recently have I realized the importance of an active lifestyle and a healthy diet.  In the past I’ve always thought it didn’t really matter what kind of food I ate -if it was low calorie I would be fine.  Now I pay close attention to the type of calories I’m putting into my body -I avoid processed foods as much as possible and I eat a lot of fruits and veggies and whole grains.  It has not only helped with my weight but has helped with my overall wellness.  I’ve also gotten into natural wellness -herbalism, essential oils, wholistic nutrition -that type of thing.  I would like to stay as healthy as I can for as long as I can and do it as naturally as possible.


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